Spider-Man-1-1-600x926This week on the World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: Marvel reveals that Civil War II will be Iron Man vs a “relatively unknown” Captain Marvel. William Shatner wants to return as Captain Kirk. Zack Snyder uses comic books to defend his depiction of Superman. In TV, Stretch Armstrong is getting a Netflix series, the Flash is heading to Supergirl, and the Calculator is a new villain on Arrow! In comics, a new story arc starts in Iron Man, Kelly Thompson joins A-Force, Steve Dillon steps in as penciller for Scarlet Witch, and Miles Morales returns in his new series! We’re asked: “what were the best sequels?”

All this and Gilmore Girls! Face front, true believers! It’s The World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast™!

#203 Hold 322 Podcast



6 Things We Know About The “Gilmore Girls” Revival So Far http://bzfd.it/1ml8eSm
‘Civil War II’ Raises Captain Marvel’s Profile Ahead of Her Movie Debuthttp://bit.ly/1ml8h0l
William Shatner Is Ready to Return to ‘Star Trek’ as an Aged Captain Kirkhttp://bit.ly/1ml8jFv
 “If You’re A Comic Book Fan, You Know I Didn’t Change Superman”http://bit.ly/1ml8kt0
Comic Book Movies Release Schedule http://bit.ly/1ml8qki
Hasbro’s Stretch Armstrong Heads to Netflix http://bit.ly/1ml8rVE
Supergirl Meets Flash: Earth-Two? Cisco? Singing? And More Crossover Qshttp://bit.ly/1ml8sJ1
Donald L. “Don” Shanks http://bit.ly/1ml8vEO