You know us as The LEFT Show and the World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast, but did you know we’ve done other shows? Over the last 12 years, we’ve hosted a myriad of shows featuring voices and topics you really can’t get anywhere else.

Once a year, mostly, we open up a GoFundMe to help pay our static bills for the year. Usually, we ask for help with hosting, domain renewals, SSL certificates, bandwidth usage and equipment repair, just to name a few things.

This year is different. THIS YEAR, we’re kicking it up a notch. We’re building a studio, but not just a podcast studio … a broadcast studio!

That’s right, we’re evolving. We’re shopping office space to build the next step in our Network’s adventure. A lot of you have been asking when we’re going to start doing Video with the podcasts, and this is your time to shine!

HOW? Easy. Two paths to success: Fundraising and Sponsorships. We’re working hard on pulling in a few sponsors for the year, and we’re asking folks to help us bridge the gap!

This is not only a way for the World’s Greatest Podcast Network to record the shows you already know and love, but to expand the lineup with new shows, and to help people and non-profits to record their own shows. We’ve committed, over the years, to helping launch new voices and evolving the pod-space for important messages.

The World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast

566 WGCBP | Grammys and Free Movies

566 WGCBP | Grammys and Free Movies

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We talk about Kanye and Beyonce at the Grammys. In Tinsel Town: Sony is done with Marvel movies. Magic: The Gathering is getting a film and a TV series. Buffy is getting a new series. In Comics: Rob Liefeld is...

565 WGCBP | Groundhog Day!

565 WGCBP | Groundhog Day!

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Marianne Faithful. Anthony Mackie had to clarify his patriotism. In Tinsel Town: What's happening with Stranger Things Season 5? What's happening with Sandman Season 2? What's the next 80s movie to get...

564 WGCBP | Put the lotion on the skin

564 WGCBP | Put the lotion on the skin

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Jules Feiffer. Neil Gaiman's publishers have responded. In Tinsel Town: Will Ryan Gosling join the Star Wars? Was Nicepool based on someone? Who did Alan Cumming say is like a dysfunctional divorcing...

563 WGCBP | Lost Heroes

563 WGCBP | Lost Heroes

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Rory Sykes, Tony Slattery, and David Lynch. We discuss Neil Gaiman's alleged sex scandal. In Tinsel Town: Colm Meaney will receive an IFTA Lifetime Achievement Award. Andy Muschietti tried to blame the...

562 WGCBP | Two popsicle sticks and some duct tape

562 WGCBP | Two popsicle sticks and some duct tape This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Jeff Baena, Wayne Osmond, and Linda Lavin. In Tinsel Town, the Spider-Verse trilogy will get a dark ending. Jason Momoa will officially play Lobo. There's a rumor of...

561 WGCBP | Never underestimate Tony Stark

561 WGCBP | Never underestimate Tony Stark

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Art Evans. In Tinsel Town, Robert Eggers is coming for your Muppets. Anya Taylor-Joy is rumored to be in Spider-Man 4. Creature Commandos gets a second season. In Comics, Mark Waid won Best Writer. Dan...

560 WGCBP | Get Away From My Can!

560 WGCBP | Get Away From My Can!

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Diane Delano, Michael Cole, Thom Christopher, Jill Jacobson, and The Amazing Kreskin. In Tinsel Town: Sesame Street is without a home. Start Trek II was named to the national film registry. The James...

559 WGCBP | How to dress a 12 year-old

559 WGCBP | How to dress a 12 year-old

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember José de la Torre and Conan O'Brien's parents. In Tinsel Town: Malcom in the Middle is coming back. The Penguin is up for an award. Austin Butler will play Patrick Bateman. Kraven is the latest flop for...

558 WGCBP | Farewell Berlanti-verse

558 WGCBP | Farewell Berlanti-verse This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember Elwood Edwards and Bob Bryar. Sam Heughan is backing Scottish youth theatre. Fans are angry at porn on their Nintendo Switch. In Tinsel Town: James Gunn is voting down music....

557 WGCBP | So Much News This Week

557 WGCBP | So Much News This Week

This week on The World's Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We remember the great Jim Abrahams. In Tinsel Town, Ryan Reynolds is working Mighty Mouse. Ahsoka will end with season 2. Pedro Pascal has the grey temples. In Comics: Scott Snyder teases Absolute Batman villains....

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