perf5.000x8.000.inddThis week on Hold 322! Old pal, Jason Anderson joins us in the Defenestrate Media studio to discuss his new Jean Archer book series and helps us discuss: Thor, Batman and Stan Lee! and all the comics from the previous week. Bob asks: “What makes a nerd a nerd?” and Thom brings us the latest news from America’s hat.

All this and Bruce Campbell! Face front, true believers! It’s Hold 322!

Issue 98 Hold 322


Professor Xavier Fires Gambit
Mr. Peabody & Sherman Movie?
Stan Lee Wants A Cameo In ‘Batman Vs. Superman’
Marvel To End ‘Daredevil’ With Issue #36
Batman’s Looking Pretty Jacked
MOCK THIS – Batmobile In Batman Vs. Superman Possibly A Cadillac
‘Thor 2’ will have not one, but TWO post-credits scenes
Bruce Campbell to Return as Ash in ‘Army of Darkness 2′