For those of you who don’t already know, last December, one day after Christmas, in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man 700, Otto Octavious (aka Doctor Octopus) killed Peter Parker and took over his body, his entire life–declaring himself the Superior Spider-Man. The comic book was re-titled as such and has been running twice a month ever since.
The stories have been okay and Dan Slott is certainly a very good writer who could write Otto-pretending-to-be-Spider-Man-stories forever, but I don’t want that. I want Peter Parker back. I want the villain who killed and replaced him to get his comeuppance and for Peter Parker to get his life and comic book back.
Marvel Comics has one hell of a poker face. If they plan on bringing back Parker anytime soon, they sure are playing their cards close to the vest; going so far as to tell those who write in asking for Peter’s return that it will NEVER HAPPEN. If you feel as I do, please help me pester the Spider-Man editorial staff by emailing them at SPIDEYOFFICE@MARVEL.COM and just write: “Peter Parker.” (Mark your email as Okay to Print! if you don’t mind them possibly printing it in their comic.)
It may be as effective as whistling into the wind, but at least it’s something. Thank you fellow fans.
Ultimate Bob