deadpool-batmanThis week on Hold 322… we were at Salt Lake Comic Con, and the Nerds ruled! We broke every record, out-performed Denver’s first year, and got Stan Lee excited to come back next year! That’s right, true believers, Salt Lake City is your new nerd haven! So we tried something new… we brought along a professional, albeit old, video camera and did video interviews… and had little to no thought how that would translate to audio. Oops. So we’ve cut this together as best we can and have interviews for you from our old friends like Carter Reid (, Dwight Schultz, Noah Hathaway, Random Star Trek Folk and Richard Hatch (not the guy from Survivor, the guy from Battlestar Galactica!), illustrator Batton Lash and Sgt. Jake’s Colon. We’ll be dumping out the videos over the next few weeks, true believers, particularly the ones where the visual is very important.

But hey! You know it’s going to be funny, no matter what happened, so face front, true believers! It’s Hold 322!

93 Hold 322 – SL ComiKHAAAAAN!
