satellitesamnyccThis week on Hold 322… We talk about the broken promises of Age of Ultron, an Easter egg in Man of Steel, and 9 actresses who could play Wonder Woman. JC wasn’t able to pick up his stack this week, but does talk about last week’s stack, including Aquaman, Age of Ultron 10 AI, Young Avengers and Hawkguy! Jeff tells us about Satellite Sam, and Bob picked up He-Man, the Dark Knight, and found out Swamp Thing ships 2 hours later than other comics. Bob tells us about NBC’s latest deal with Lion Forge To make digital comics… We spend a minute making fun of that, then he asks what old shows we’d like Lion Forge to make into comics.

All this, and Ultimate Stan sings in Japanese! Face front, true believers, it’s Hold 322!

Issue 85 – The Bear said “RAWR!”
