I haven’t read it yet and won’t until next week when I have the coin to buy my hold, but I am asking all you fan-boys and fan-girls out there who love Superman and don’t hate others for how they were born to go out and pick up a copy of Adventures of Superman #1, which comes out today at your local comic book retailer, to thank DC for releasing Orson Scott Card from the title.
Now, I don’t hate OSC, in fact Ender’s Game will always be a favorite book of mine. It was the one that first got me into reading novels and now I write them. I am also not against free speech. I just don’t want someone who publicly endorses unfair treatment of any group to be writing the adventures of my favorite DC hero, who also happens to be an icon of progress and tolerance. If you disagree, I am sorry if that bothers you, but that is how I feel.
Thank you for making the right decision, DC. Even if you had to have your arm twisted. I look forward to reading this first issue.
Until I blog again, follow me on twitter @Robert_A_Easton, listen to Hold 322 and read lots of comic books!