This week on Hold 322… your stalwart hosts bring you latest in Comic books and comic book news. We discuss Terry Pratchett and how to make a Justice League movie. Bob asks what’s your pitch? In comics, Billy the Vampire Slayer meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and it’s always nice when your in laws visit in Saga. The Joker wreaks chaos in the pages of Batgirl and Batman, proving just how scary he can be, and Capullo gives us a great 70s era floating heads panel as part of it. Marvel NOW restarts Fantastic Four and Thor with new creative teams. The Ultimates gets a C-level creative team, making us wonder how long the Ultimate Universe has left, and Avengers Assemble makes its transition from a gimmick book to a regular series with issue #9.

All this and a Star Trek meetup in this week’s pulse-pounding issue of Hold 322!

#57 Hold 322 Podcast